How are you doing with loving yourself?
We’ve been hearing the message of self love for a while now and how important it is for our spiritual growth.
Until I started to take loving myself seriously and putting it into daily practice, I never felt the Presence of the Company of Heaven and the love of Spirit. That’s when I was able to start receiving.
I understand now that I can’t strip my ego apart from the rest of me. I’m not my spiritual self and my ego self, I am one WHOLE being.
My ego self is simply parts of me that I haven’t brought into the fold of my love yet.
That’s all we ever want … is to be loved.
So I’m challenging you to get really practical with loving yourself.
Speak words of love to yourself. Say ‘I love you’ to your heart, your body, yourself as often as you can.
Don’t miss a mirror opportunity – with every mirror you pass, look into your own eyes and say ‘I love you.’
Invite every brat ego part of yourself to come home.
Allow yourself to make mistakes. Use mistakes as opportunities to love yourself even more.
Treat yourself as if you were a guest, you deserve the best.
Become your best friend.
Practice putting yourself first.
Receive, receive, receive. Breath in love and let it penetrate every cell of your body.
Drinks lots of water and bless it with love before you take a sip.
If you get sick, don’t get mad, go to bed and love yourself up.
Ask your Angels to help you feel loved. They are great at doing that.
I have a gift for you this week, a video of my song, I AM WORTHY. Eat it up. Drink it like mother’s milk, let it nurture every single part of your being…even the parts that you haven’t acknowledged as lovable.
And then give it a thumbs up (or a thumbs down :), subscribe to my YouTube channel & PASS IT ON!
Because you know what is received and is then given is SEALED IN YOUR HEART FOREVER.
Thanks so much. I appreciate you. You are precious and powerful!