I have been on a journey of coming out of vagueness.
When I’m in a place of making a big decision in my life, I’ve given myself permission not to ask the ‘big’ question for a month or longer, to give myself space to process.
But when it comes to money and our relationships, vagueness keeps us from the truth.
Even in the seemingly small stuff of life, vagueness keeps us from checking in with what we want and how we’re really feeling about a situation. It can be the ultimate “putting someone else 1st” syndrome and not taking responsibility for our own happiness.
When I started taking responsibility for my relationship with money, I stepped into Debtors Anonymous and my first step was to keep track of my money. I started to write down every cent that I spent and every cent that came to me.
At that time it just seemed like a tedious chore, but now I can tell you…it is the ultimate gift. This simple process has set me free. It brought truth to me.
I asked Archangel Michael to talk to me from his perspective on what it means to be vague. This is what he said.
“When things are not clear and they are vague they are in the murkiness of shadow.
Vagueness has given people a false sense of security. Sometimes you are not ready to know something. When you get clear and you’re ready for clarity, vagueness simply muddies the water. It takes away from the crystalline beautiful connection between people and between you and your money.
When you are vague you increase worry and anxiety. If you don’t know how much money you have, you’ll continue to worry about that money and not claim what is rightfully yours.
Abundance is not a fake promise. Abundance is like a clear stream of water that continually flows. There is no murkiness in it. There is no confusion in it. There is only a clear sight of truth. To come out of vagueness it takes a willingness to see the truth.
Beloved we all know that the truth sets us free. You’re relationship with money is a relationship with the truth of your being.
If you are feeling unworthy and undeserving, that is being vague about your true place in the kingdom of heaven. For you have been created perfect and to see yourself other than that is fake, it is false.
When you are willing to see your relationships with others, your relationship with money and yourself with crystal clear clarity, you allow the Holy Spirit to bring the truth of your being into Reality.
This has a lot to do with you reclaiming your innocence as well. Your innocence is your sovereign power.
So I would say that vagueness and guilt are companions in the murkiness. That to be vague is simply a way of opting out of the present moment.
When you are vague you are not being true to yourself. You are not coming in to that place of accepting how you really feel about something and what you truly want. You are putting that aside maybe to please another, or to avoid seeing the truth.”
As I’ve been coming out of being vague, I’ve noticed how often I use words that continue vagueness.
I invite you to join me in this quest for crystal clear clarity and honesty. Let’s be gentle with ourselves and others as we get use to speaking our truth with kindness. It takes courage.
Are you ready? I’d love to hear what you have to say about coming out of vagueness.
Tags: abundance, Archangel Michael, clarity, Money