May is the perfect month to release my new playlist - Sacred Songs to the Divine Mother.
The Divine Mother is taking her true place once again on planet Earth. Every time we focus on Her amazing qualities of unconditional love, nurturing, reverence for all Life, artistry, beauty and music - we are re-cognizing Her within us.
Holy Ma-Ray a tribute to Mother Mary. It brings the new Rosary in song. Donna De Lory helped me to anchor the Divine Mother in this song with her other worldly vocals and her loving presence. Mother Mary is the sacred heart of the Mother Flame and very special to me. She will also help to remember your preciousness.
I wrote Beloved I AM to help us come into the sacred union of our own heart. There is only One Powerful Loving Presence that is ALL. That is who I am and who you are. My good friend Dion Mial (my masculine vocal counterpart) and Donna De Lory helped with the amazing backing vocals on this song.
Gather round the campfire and put your bells and shakers on for The Circle. The law of the circle never ends, what goes round comes round again. Mother Earth remembers and she's reminding me the law of the circle will never end. Remember she says when there was no doubt, we loved to give and give and give and we never ran out. Grandmother, Grand Mothers, tell us again of the Law of the Circle that never ends. Give to the world the seeds of your life and be willing to receive an abundant supply.
The most powerful call to action is Opening of the Mouth. It is time for that which has been silenced to be heard. It is time for closed inner ears to open SO THAT THE MOTHER'S VOICE MAY BE HEARD. We are healing centuries of abuse against women, children, all humanity and animals. The Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy is a center for healing. We have opened up the Sexual Healing Prayer Circle to answer the call to heal this ancient wound for ourselves and the planet.
When my mother, Queen Esther, was making her transition Singing you Home Mama came to me the last week of her earthly life. We sang this celebratory lament over and over again those precious days. It literally felt like we were singing into her expansion of life.
Check it out. There are some of my favorites sacred songs to the Divine Mother by other artists in my playlist too. If you have any recommendations, I'd love to add them. Just let me know below.