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Archangel Michael for President

Jennifer Ruth Russell

The United States of America is a great country. All of us are pilgrims, we came from somewhere else.

The road hasn’t been easy, but that drive for something greater is still here and always will be. The great migration continues.

This is a Land of Light and Freedom; One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I’m calling for Archangel Michael to be President of US.

And if you want to vote with me for more Angelic Presence in the United States of America and the rest of the world, please leave a thumbs up on this video and a comment below.

Archangel Michael is the prince of the Archangels and of the Angelic Hosts. He is the Defender of Faith and the Angel of Deliverance.

We could use much more Angelic presence in this country. I’m voting for that. We could use some faith right now. I’m voting for that. We could use some deliverance from chaos and acts of greed, violence and hatred.

When the Earth started to move on her axis and was ready for mankind, it was Archangel Michael that escorted us as we set our feet on the ground.

He has been here since the beginning of time and has promised to stay with us until we have finally restored Heaven on Earth, once again.

Archangel Michael is a MIGHTY PROTECTOR and defender of the Will of God. His sword of blue lightening cuts through all negativity.

That protection brings the safety of FATHER.

When you took your first breath he was there beside you. When you make your transition he gently carries you into the next realm.

What would this country be like if everyone knew they were a precious child of a loving Father?

Archangel Michael says to you, ‘You are my own.”

I asked Archangel Michael to come and live with us 7 years ago. I can’t tell you how much help he gives on a daily basis. Not only to me, but to this entire planet. He and his league of angels are here 22 hours a day, cleaning up our mess.

Remember every thought creates. Every act of violence creates a record of itself and has to be cleaned up. Every ounce of life comes from Light and must returned back to the Light.

So I want to invite you to start calling on Archangel Michael when you need faith, when you need strength and courage, when you need to know the will of God in your life and when you need protection.

Here’s a powerful affirmation to say before you go to sleep at night; “Archangel Michael cut me free from the causes and limitations that bind me. Thank you.”

What are you voting for? Leave a comment below and let us in on it.

Tags: Archangel Michael, Archangels, Divine Protection, President, Spiritual Awareness, Your Ascension Academy

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