Don’t you love JOY? It is the ultimate feeling. It is my heart letting me know that everything is grooving at the highest place within me and in my world.
We are moving up to higher dimensions, higher frequency; the Beach Boys would say, we are moving into good, good, good, good vibrations.
As we are ascending we are letting go of the old familiar forms of life and the way that we’ve done things.
I want to start looking forward. We’ve been doing hard labor here in the 3rd dimension; in our work and in our spiritual lives. And to tell you my truth I think we’re done with that.
And so I’m inviting you to start asking, “What will we be creating in the New Earth?”
What will we be eating when we start living from the higher dimensions? I truly believe we’ll be taking our bodies with us.
Just looking at my own life and where I’ve come from. Especially around my food and drink, I can see that I’ve changed a lot in the last three years. I was raised on meat, potatoes and all things cheese.
But the old familiar forms of comfort food, tuna casserole, mac and cheese, steak and eggs and ice cream don’t fit me anymore.
They feel heavy and take my energy down.
I used to have one or two glasses of red wine a day. I liked it. I liked how the taste blended with the food I was eating and went down nice and smooth.
But to be honest with you , I can’t do that anymore. It brings me down. I can feel it with the first sip.
Drinking pure water has become about 70% of my diet. It is one of the most life affirming things that I do for myself. And it makes me feel GOOD!
This Fall, I’m celebrating my 3rd anniversary as a vegan. I love the way it makes me feel and it brings so much joy and creativity. I’ll share with you in my next video how I made the decision to become a vegan.
So I want to invite you to start paying attention to what you are eating and drinking.
Is it helping you to feel lighter or heavier?
Is it helping us to establish a new Earth; world that works for everyone, including our animals, or not?
Let me hear from you, how are you eating differently today then you were a year ago? And what do you think would help you feel lighter? What would you like to create in the new world?
Tags: 5th dimension, Ascension, Feel good, healthy living, Jennifer Ruth Russell, Loving Self, New Earth, Self-Care